Best Mushroom Superfoods For Vegans | Rritual Superfoods

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August 16, 2021 3 min read

Superfoods have become staples of the health and wellness industry. Millions of people have become conscientious of their own health and well-being, especially in light of the recent health scares. Citizens all over the world are now prioritizing their own physical and mental health in order to live more balanced, fulfilling lives. Superfoods are a great way to organically maintain healthier lifestyles.

For those who self-identify as vegan, superfoods are often an essential part of a healthy diet. Fruits, vegetables, and organically grown foods like mushrooms, which are sources of proteins, vitamins, nutrients, and often adaptogens can help further support the body’s immune system. These superfoods give vegans the essential nutrients required for a healthy lifestyle without compromising their choice to adhere to strictly non-animal products and foods.

So what are some examples of the best superfoods for vegans? Mushrooms are certainly one of the best options on that list, and we’re going to look into some of your healthiest choices as well as their health benefits.

Vegan superfoods

“You are what you eat.” Most of us have heard that adage at least once in our lifetime.

But it’s more than just a common saying. The foods that you consume can directly impact your health and well-being. When you eat poorly, your body will feel those effects. If you eat healthy, you’ll feel more energetic and ready to take on the world.

By choosing superfoods that are organic, and contain essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients vegans can support both their health and plant-based lifestyle. Vegan superfoods are not just for vegans, though, as millions of people can benefit by eating more of these types of foods on a regular basis.

Types of vegan superfoods

There’s a whole list of vegan superfoods that are recommended for healthy lifestyles. But these aresomeof the best options we recommend to maintain a high quality of life.


Blueberries are a source of vitamins and nutrients. They’re also commonly added to breakfast cereals, lunch boxes, or smoothies to add a fruit with high health benefits. Of course, they’re also great to snack on at leisure for their delicious sweet taste. Just beware of the high sugar levels. 


Kale is a green and leafy vegetable that is a source of essential nutrients.‡ Scientists believe that kale may provide a number of health benefits for the entire body, making it one of the most popular superfoods on the planet.


Kiwifruit is a delicious source of nutrients that have the potential to help regulate your body’s ability to sleep on a more consistent basis. It’s also believed to help maintain skin health and vitality, potentially providing relief for constant dry skin and irritation.

Best mushroom superfoods

Mushrooms are one of the best superfoods you can choose to become a staple of your daily regimen. Many mushroom options are sources of vitamins and nutrients and, particularly for vegans, plant-based mushrooms can become a staple of an enriching diet.

Here is a list of some of the best mushroom superfoods that you can make an essential part of your daily routine.

Lion’s mane mushrooms

Lion’s mane mushrooms are one of the most revered mushrooms on the planet for their ability to support brain development and mental health. Lion’s mane has even been recognized as a nootropic, which means it helps activate the mind and clear out troubling thoughts to support optimal cognitive performance.

Plant-based lion’s mane mushroom powders can also contain traces of rhodiola, an adaptogen that’s commonly used by world-class athletes.‡ Athletes use rhodiola toward off fatigue, promote physical endurance, and support peak cognitive function.‡

Reishi mushrooms

Reishi mushrooms are one of the best mushroom superfoods as they help relax both the body and the mind. Reishi is beloved by millions of people as an organic way to combat stress and help the body react to stressful episodes in healthy ways.

Plant-based reishi mushroom powders are further supported by ashwagandha root, one of the most popular adaptogens for its ability to help the body react to stress. At Rritual, ashwagandha isenriched with a blend of cacao and cinnamon, creating a more blissful and soothing experience when consuming reishi powder.‡

Chaga mushrooms

Chaga mushrooms are one of the best mushroom superfoods due to their ability to support the body’s immune system all year round. Long used in Eastern herbalism, chaga has become a staple of western health and wellness as an organic means of supporting the body and the mind.

Plant-based chaga mushroom powders often containa superduo adaptogen of astragalus root and schisandra berry, which helps to maintain the body’s natural defenses. At Rritual, chaga powders also contain traces of Eleuthero root, enabling the body to maintain overall health throughout the year.

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