Accelerate Your Morning Coffee Routine | Rritual Superfoods

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December 14, 2021 4 min read

To some people, morning coffee is practically a religion. Whether you’re a coffee aficionado, or you just crave that jolt of caffeine to help keep you alert and focused, there are ways to optimize your morning cuppa to keep you feeling great all day long.

Why mushroom coffee?

First off: What even IS mushroom coffee?

Superfood mushrooms, a sub-group of mushrooms that are considered functional foods due to the health benefits they can provide, are gaining popularity as an addition to your traditional cup of joe. Mushroom coffee can be purchased pre-packaged (usually instant coffee with mushroom powder added,) or can be created at home by simply scooping your fave mushroom powder into your home-brewed cup.

Ok, but why include it?

Coffee itself can actually be a great source of some essential nutrients. According to Covateur, it contains antioxidants, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, and magnesium. (Who knew it did more than just provide you with the caffeine you need to get through your day?!) The addition of mushrooms can provide even greater benefits. Some superfood mushrooms like Reishi, Lion’s Mane, and Chaga can contain compounds to help support the health of the body and the mind.*

Mushroom coffee benefits

We were just throwing the word “adaptogens” around, so you’re probably wondering, “weren’t we just discussing superfood mushrooms?”

Yep. Some superfood mushrooms contain properties that distinguish them from your grocery store varieties. These mushrooms (which can also be termed adaptogens) support the body’s healthy stress and immune responses.*

Depending on your goals, you may want to play around with your mushroom coffee blend. The benefits that you observe will be different based on the mushroom and adaptogen blend you are consuming. Luckily, the good news is that all superfood mushrooms and adaptogens are known for their ability to maintain and support good health!* Learn more about how mushroom coffee can be great for your health here.

Rritual Superfoods - Accelerate Your Morning Coffee Routine

Types of mushroom coffee

These days, you can find coffee made with one (or two!) of many different superfood mushroom additions. How you choose which to use will depend on what you are looking to get out of it. We’ll look at three of the more common types of mushroom coffee to help you determine how to best supercharge your coffee.

Reishi mushroom coffee

If you’re a seasoned pro when it comes to superfood mushrooms, you might be thinking, “wait! Reishi mushrooms help the body adapt to stress, release tension and promote a sense of calm.* Why would that be a good addition to coffee?!?”

And you would be right to ask! It does seem counterintuitive to add a supplement that promotes calmness to your cup of coffee that is supposed to keep you alert, but Reishi mushrooms can be the best choice for anyone who is particularly sensitive to the effects of caffeine. For some, coffee can leave them feeling wired, moody, or stressed due to increased cortisol levels.

For example, Rritual’s Reishi Relax Elixir can help promote productivity and clarity without overstimulating the mind. Enhanced with ashwagandha root, one of the world’s most popular herbs for stress support, this is best added to decaf or half-decaf to ensure that you won’t be left with post-coffee jitters while still enjoying a natural boost.*


Chaga mushroom coffee

Our immune system function has definitely been put in the spotlight as of late, and with the flu season underway, keeping our immune systems top-notch is more important than ever. Enter: Chaga mushrooms.

Chaga mushrooms have long been consumed in Eastern herbalism and are well-known for their ability to support a healthy immune system. Known as the “king of mushrooms” Chaga’s antioxidative properties provide a first-line defense for the immune system.* Rritual’s Chaga Immune Elixir also contains some herbal adaptogens (adaptogens aren’t just mushrooms!) like Astragalus root and Schisandra berry, which together can help to maintain resilience and health. The addition of Eleuthero root may help to ground and strengthen the body, and can also help to ward off fatigue.*


Lion’s Mane mushroom coffee

Perhaps best known for its ability to keep you alert, focused, and mentally sharp, Lion’s Mane is the perfect addition for those of you who are ready to take on the world!

Lion’s Mane mushrooms are considered nootropic, which means that they may have a positive impact on mental function. Rritual’s Lion’s Mane Focus Elixir is also enhanced with the adaptogen Rhodiola root. According to Healthline, Rholdiola root can help the body adapt to stress and can help alleviate fatigue, among many other benefits. Rhodiola is pretty neat in and of itself because it won't overstimulate your body. This powerhouse combination is perfect for powerhouse people.


Does mushroom coffee have caffeine?

Like any cup of coffee, whether or not your mushroom coffee is caffeinated is up to you!

Most pre-mixed mushroom coffee powders do contain caffeine, but it is typically much less caffeinated than your traditional pure coffee blend. However, we prefer to add the mushroom powder to our own home-brewed cup because it’s much easier to control dosage. Plus, you can decide to go full caffeine, half-decaf, or 100% decaf.

Morning Coffee Routine

Getting in your groove for the day isn’t JUST about the coffee you consume. Your morning coffee ritual (rritual? YES!) can become part of your wellness routine too. Taking some time each morning just for you – even if you only have time for one quiet cup -- can actually have a positive effect on your mood and your day. Creating a morning coffee routine may help your overall well-being, and adding some superfoods into your day could offer even more benefits to your body and your mind.*

Getting in your groove for the day isn’t JUST about the coffee you consume. Your morning coffee ritual (rritual? YES!) can become part of your wellness routine too. Taking some time each morning just for you – even if you only have time for one quiet cup -- can actually have a positive effect on your mood and your day. Creating a morning coffee routine may help your overall well-being, and adding some superfoods into your day could offer even more benefits to your body and your mind.*

If you’re looking to boost your morning energy, read more about how to get the ultimate morning energy boost here.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease.

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